PV array is connected to the utility grid by a boost converter to optimize the PV output and DC/AC inverter to convert the DC output voltage of the solar modules into the AC system Performance of grid-connected string inverter systems Power quality assessment was conducted on the grid-connected solar PV system installed at Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary. The system is made up of two different PV technologies: Polycrystalline silicon (pc-Si) PV Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems by Walid Omran A thesis presented to the University of Waterloo in fulfillment of the thesis requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, © Walid Omran
"Grid-connected photovoltaic systems based on nonlinear control." by Pablo R. Rivera
Grid-connected photovoltaic systems based on nonlinear control. Pablo R. RiveraUniversity of Louisville Follow. single-stage photovoltaic system; maximum power point tracking; nonlinear control; active and reactive power; single-phase system; three-phase system. Nowadays, due to the high-scale penetration of photovoltaic systems, reliable and efficient grid-connected photovoltaic PV systems utilizing the advances of power electronics and control system technology are desirable.
Thus, single-stage grid-connected photovoltaic systems, grid connected pv system phd thesis, have gained attention, especially in low voltage applications.
However, PV systems exhibit nonlinear behavior that could negatively affect the performance of the system if they are not adequately compensated for. In this dissertation, using the general structure for the synchronous grid connected pv system phd thesis frame, a single-stage three-phase grid-connected photovoltaic system, and a single-stage single-phase grid-connected PV system, both with a nonlinear control strategy, are developed to track the maximum power and to control the active and reactive power, without the necessity of an additional power converter.
A novel trajectory of the reference current is obtained online taking into account the dynamics of the DC link capacitor and the switching function of the inverter. Unlike to the three-phase system, the single-phase system includes a novel method to mitigate the double line-frequency current ripple of the PV array, which is the major drawback of the single-phase PV inverter. Moreover, based on the preceded work, the nonlinear controller is combined with adaptive control to estimate the unknown disturbances that physically could appear in the circuit and grid connected pv system phd thesis the performance of the system, grid connected pv system phd thesis.
The stability of the systems and boundedness of signals are demonstrated by Lyapunov stability analysis. Simulation results show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controllers to track the maximum power and to control the active and reactive power. Rivera, Pablo R. Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper Controls and Control Theory CommonsElectrical and Electronics CommonsPower and Energy Commons.
Advanced Search. Home About FAQ My Account Accessibility Statement. Privacy Copyright. Skip to main content. ThinkIR: The University of Louisville's Institutional Repository. My Account FAQ About Home. Title Grid-connected photovoltaic systems based on nonlinear control. Author Pablo R.
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering. Author's Keywords single-stage photovoltaic system; maximum power point tracking; nonlinear control; active and reactive power; single-phase system; three-phase system. Abstract Nowadays, due to the high-scale penetration of photovoltaic systems, reliable and efficient grid-connected photovoltaic PV systems utilizing the advances of power electronics and control system technology are desirable.
Recommended Citation Rivera, Pablo R. DOWNLOADS Since July 31, Included in Controls and Control Theory CommonsElectrical and Electronics CommonsPower and Energy Commons.
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Grid Connected PV System
, time: 34:43"Cascaded Inverters for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems" by Bailu Xiao

Fig. 10 presents a schematic conventional power solutions, the system benefits justify the diagram of photovoltaic systems connected to the grid with and decision to create a distributed energy storage systems with without energy storage systems, showing the undeniable intelligent monitoring, communications, and control for planning increase With the extraordinary market growth in grid-connected PV systems, there is increasing interests in grid-connected PV inverters. Focus has been placed on cheap, high-efficiency, and innovative inverter solutions, leading to a high diversity within the inverters and new system configurations. This dissertation chooses cascaded multilevel inverter topologies for grid-connected PV systems to benefit out of such integrated systems. Most DERs are connected to the utility grid or microgrids with the help of power electronics interface. They are capable of producing both active and reactive power with the proper control of the inverter interface. This dissertation focuses on examination of the capability of the renewable energy based
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